What Courses Are Available?
Return to Training - Ready, Steady, Go!
External Return to Work courses
Return to training - Ready, Steady, Go!
This course is run virtually at multiple times through the year and covers:
- Time and space to reflect on recent changes in your own circumstances
- Explore opportunities and develop an individualised plan to support your return to training
- The effects of Health, Illness, Stress and Fatigue on Work
- Learn to manage energy not your time
- Explore work life balance and develop positive intelligence
- Strategies for self-care and wellbeing
It is booked through the MaxCourse system then search for 'Return to Training - Ready, Steady, Go!'
External return to work courses
Return to Work Course - All Medical Specialties and Emergency Medicine - North Bristol NHS Trust - Dates TBC
- Free for all South West Trainees
- Programme includes:-
- Supportive Mentoring
- Tips and tricks for returning to work
- Simulation
- Practical Skills
- Suitable for all Medical trainees (CT/ST1 and above), EM trainees and locally employed doctors
- Location: The Clinical Simulation Space, Learning & Research Building, North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead, Bristol
- For more information and to book a place please email: linda.summers@nbt.nhs.uk
The deanery websites also have lists of all events available to trainees within the region, some of which will be applicable to the return to work process:
GP SuppoRTT virtual Group
The regular GP SuppoRTT (Supported return to training) virtual group meeting for Doctors in training based in the South West region (Peninsula and Severn) who are on the GP training programme.
We usually meet on the last Wednesday of each month in the morning on teams.
It is a chance to meet with colleagues and talk through anything you would like related to helping plan and make your return to training better. The SuppoRTT guide for Primary care includes key information on contacts, forms, courses, induction guides and timetable planning.
If you would like to take part in the regular virtual group sessions please sign up for GP SuppoRTT virtual group so that you can have the teams link shared with you.
If you have any questions or would not sure and would like further information please do contact me via email: england.gpsupportt-champion.sw@nhs.net
Online resources
E-learning Hub
This e-learning programme aims to enable doctors returning to clinical training following a period of prolonged absence to regain their confidence and clinical skills quickly and safely, thereby enhancing trainee wellbeing and patient safety. Please remember to register for e-LfH first using your nhs.net email.
The NHS e-Learning for Healthcare (elfh) Hub has a SuppoRTT section with a wide range of useful resources for those preparing for, or returning from, a break in training. The resources include online refreshers for a number of specialities, Virtual Reality training and podcasts. There is also an up-to-date list of face-to-face return to work courses being run across the country. You'll need to register to use elfh or use your Athens login if you have one.
MySuppoRTT created six excellent South West SuppoRTT videos available through the elfh platform (desktop access only; for smartphone use see below)
- Burnout - Life, Death and Doing it All Again Tomorrow – a Story of Burnout
- Bereavement - Life After Loss – A Story of Bereavement
- Resilience - The Run - A Story of Resilience
- Parenting - Double Shift – Life as a Parent and a Doctor
- Imposter syndrome - The Enemy Within - the Imposter Phenomenon
- Senior doctors reflecting back - Close Your Eyes - the Memories of Staff from University Hospitals Bristol
MySuppoRTT videos for smartphone (and desktop) access through Vimeo
These were all developed by UHBristol MySuppoRTT
Digital resources from NHSE workforce, training and education
These resources provide a variety of SuppoRTT aids including webinars, online learning, podcasts and videos. See specific areas below:
Virtual Reality
Escalating concerns and speaking up: This virtual reality (VR) resource was developed by the SuppoRTT team in Health Education England for doctors returning to training, which uses a clinical scenario to explore the topic of Escalating Concerns and Speaking Up, skills that are increasingly recognised as contributing to the quality and safety of care for patients. Learners will explore techniques and develop skills in a safe, virtual environment.
General medicine
Knowledge Refresher - ECG - A recording of the first half of the webinar recorded on Thursday 26 March 2020
- ECG, presented by Dr Jamie Kitt.
Knowledge Refresher - Gynaecology: Approach to the survivor of domestic and sexual violence - recording of the webinar held on Friday 10 April 2020
- Gynaecology: Approach to the survivor of domestic and sexual violence, presented by Ms Katherine Talbot, Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Thames Valley.
Knowledge Refresher - Approaching the acutely unwell patient - recording of the webinar held on Tuesday 31 March 2020
- Approach to a patient with a high warning score, presented by Dr Shefaly Patel
- Approach to a patient with shortness of breath, presented by Dr Sunit Raja
Knowledge Refresher –APLS Plus - Waiting for the Paediatric Critical Care Retrieval Team - A recording of the second half of the webinar recorded on 30 April 2020
- APLS Plus - Waiting for the Paediatric Critical Care Retrieval Team: An Interactive Session, presented by Dr Constantinos Kanaris, Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care and Retrieval Medicine at University Hospital of North Midlands and North West and North Wales Transport Service.
Knowledge Refresher - COVID-19 in Children - A recording of the first half of the webinar recorded on 30 April 2020
- COVID 19 in Children: An Update, presented by Dr Prasad Nagakumar, Tertiary Paediatric Respiratory Consultant at Birmingham Children's Hospital.
Obstetrics and gynaecology
Knowledge Refresher - Approach to a pregnant woman with respiratory symptoms - recorded on Wednesday 1 April 2020
- Presented by Dr Charlotte Frise
Knowledge Refresher - What's new in obstetrics - a recording of the SuppoRTT webinar held on Tuesday 7 April 2020
- What’s New in Obstetrics, presented by Mrs Rebecca Black, a Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
Remote working
Knowledge Refresher - Telemedicine - A recording of the webinar held on 10 April 2020
- Telemedicine Skills: how to communicate remotely, presented by Dr Tim Davis, a GP from South West England and South West’s GP SuppoRTT Champion.
Knowledge Refresher - Oncological Emergencies - A recording of the SuppoRTT webinar recorded on Thursday 23 April 2020
- Oncological Emergencies, presented by Dr Rebecca Shakir, a Clinical Oncology Registrar, and Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.
Acute care
Knowledge Refresher - Management of Status Epilepticus - part 2 of the webinar recorded on Friday 3 April, 7pm
- Management of Status Epilepticus, presented by Dr Krishna Chintapalli, a Consultant in Neurology at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Knowledge Refresher - Neurological Emergencies - part 1 of the webinar recorded on Friday 3 April 2020, 7pm
- Neurological Emergencies, presented by Dr Krishna Chintapalli a Consultant in Neurology at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Knowledge Refresher - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Transfusion - a recording held on Monday 6 April 2020, 7.45pm
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - Dr Samantha Jayaweera
- Blood products & Transfusion - Dr Kieran Burton
Knowledge Refresher - GI Emergency - Part 1 of the webinar recorded on Wednesday 8 April, 7pm
- Emergencies in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, presented by Dr Tom Chapman.
Please note; there is a small break in recording within the first minute.
Knowledge Refresher - Respiratory Failure - Part 2 of the webinar recorded on Tuesday 14 April, 7pm
- Respiratory Failure, Ventilation and Oxygen Delivery Devices – presented by Dr Tom Nicholson and Dr Gareth Hynes.
Please note; there are additional questions answered at the end of the recording.
Knowledge Refresher - Advanced Life Support - Part 2 of the webinar recorded on Wednesday 15 April, 7pm
- Advanced Life Support Management of Symptomatic Arrhythmias, delivered by Dr Jamie Kitt
Knowledge Refresher - Resuscitation - Part 1 of the webinar recorded on Wednesday 15 April, 7pm
- Introduced by Professor Sheona MacLeod, Acting Director of Education and Quality and Executive Medical Director, Health Education England.
- Advanced Life Support and Resuscitation for Covid-19 Patients, presented by Catriona Fleming
Knowledge Refresher - Prescribing - Part 2 of the webinar recorded on Thursday 16 April, 7pm
- Prescribing Refresher, presented by Dr Sarah Millette, a Specialty Registrar in Geriatric Medicine.
Knowledge Refresher - COVID-19 Refresher Webinar Recording - Held on 15 January 2021
- Update on the current management of COVID-19 presented by Dr Andrew McCallum
- Respiratory Support in COVID-19 presented by Dr Christopher Turnball and Dr Gareth Hynes
- Personal Protective Equipment presented by Professor Jennie Wilson
Knowledge Refresher - COVID-19 - Part 1 of the webinar recorded on Tuesday 14 April, 7pm
- An Overview of the Clinical Management of COVID-19 - presented by Dr Maheshi Ramasamy
Please note; there are additional questions answered at the end of the recording.
Practical procedures
Knowledge Refresher - Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis - Part 2 of the webinar recorded on Wednesday 8 April, 7pm
- Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis, presented by Dr Tandip Mann.
Knowledge Refresher - Radiology and Acute Confusion - recorded on Thursday 2 April at 7pm
- Radiology - CXR and CT Interpretation – presented by Dr Sunit Raja
- Approach to acute agitation or confusion – presented by Dr Catherine Ashton
Knowledge Refresher – Death certification - recorded on Friday 25 March 2020
- DNA CPR and Advance Planning - presented by Dr Sarah Millette
- Recognising the Dying Patient & Palliation - presented by Dr Catherine Ashton
- Verification, Certification and The Law - presented by Dr Catherine Ashton
Knowledge Refresher - Return to Clinical Work - A recording of the second half of the webinar recorded on Thursday 9 April 2020
- Day one on the ward, presented by Dr Nell Freeman-Romilly.
Wellbeing - 01
- Presented by Dr Caroline Walker of The Joyful Doctor, an expert in doctors' wellbeing.
Wellbeing 02 - Take Care - recorded on Wednesday 8 April 2020, 2pm
- Presented by Anneliese Guerin-LeTendre, a professional development coach and interpersonal/intercultural communications specialist.